Dearest Family and Friends,
The sun is out and I feel that we have officially turned our backs on winter here in Ohio! Another great week has passed and I feel so empowered by the inspired messages of General Conference! Elder Payne and I had a great week this week and our investigators are continuing to progress nicely. One of them has quit cigarettes for over three weeks now! We are planning a wedding for Daniel and Mary on the 20th of April and then a baptism the following weekend! Working with Dan, Mary and Leisha has been such a testimony builder for me. I have watched them changed so much in these last few months and they are coming to know who they truly are; loved children of our Father. Please keep these good people in your prayers. They are working so hard and doing so well and these next few weeks will prove to be vital for them.
I was so filled by the messages of our leaders this weekend. I enjoyed Elder Packers testimony of the Savior and I felt it was a great tender mercy to hear again from Elder Golden in my final session of conference as a missionary. The constancy of God's love has been so impressed upon me these last few weeks. I am so grateful for this season of the year and the promise that it brings. When autumn sets and ushers in winter the leaves fall from the trees and the green is lost in the landscape but the source of light from which they all grow has not changed; the earth moves it position in such a way that the warmth of the sun is not felt. The sun's temperature never changed, neither the light that it constantly provides for growth. When the earth changes it's position and draws nearer to the sun, the light and warmth draws nearer to it also. Though the seasons change and perhaps circumstances look and feel different in our lives; God's love remains as constant and unchanging as the sun. I hope that we may all position ourselves to feel his love. His love is there regardless of our choices; but our choices in large measure determine how much of His love we feel. I know that our Father in Heaven loves us. I hope that come what may we will always stay close to His light and warmth; it is our choice. I know He lives as does His son. I know that 177 years ago last week that the Savior Jesus Christ appeared in the Kirltand temple; one week after it's dedicatory payer; and many years after hard work and sacrifice. I know also there that Moses, Elijah and Elias restored the keys of God to commence His work for the eventual return of the Christ! May our lamps be trimmed and burning for the return of the Bridegroom!
Love Always, Elder Prince
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